If you follow my other family blog, you already know that our sweet Kal decided to meet us a little earlier than his due date. He was born at 37 weeks, 2 days, which is certainly nothing to complain about. He was definitely in a rush to get here, though, saying that I gave birth a mere 2 hours or so after I woke up in the middle of the night with painful contractions and my water breaking.
In the weeks/months before he was born, we were still undecided of what to name him. We liked the name Kal, but wanted to keep our options open just in case. I heard the name Kal when Jonald and I went to the movie theater to watch the new Superman movie. Superman's name on his original planet, by his birth parents, was Kal-El. In that moment of hearing that name, I grabbed Jonald's arm and said, "Kal! That's a cute name! Let's name our baby Kal." It was a half-meant joke, but after that, the name kinda stuck.
When our sweet boy was born, the nurse asked what we were going to name him, and Kal just seemed right. Little did we know that there was going to be more meaning behind his name, coming from a Superman movie, than we had originally thought.
Superman! Super parents!