At 4:15 or so a.m., Kal decided he wanted to be awake. He wasn't cranky at all, I just woke up from the noise of him blowing bubbles with his lips like crazy. Hahaha! I gave up nearly an hour later, as he was still wide awake, and I went to bed. He eventually fell asleep on his own again, after that. Jonald and Kayelee were here from last night (they slept in the Ronald McDonald sleeping room overnight), so they came in early this morning to hang out. My mom joined us for church and hung out with me a little while afterward.
Nothing too new with the doctor's rounds today. His ANC is at 900, so they said it's basically hovering around the same place. They added an anti-pneumonia med that's given to pretty much all BMT patients after day +30. The game plan is still to be discharged on Tuesday- like, two days from now, Tuesday! It's so crazy to think about and try to comprehend, yet it couldn't get here sooner.
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We love playtime! |
So, we had a little scare earlier. My mom and I took down mostly everything in the room, in preparation for him hopefully to being discharged on Tuesday. After that, the nurse tech came in the room to take his vitals. His temp read 38.0 (which is the requirement to say he has a "true fever"). Just to be safe, she re-took it. It then read 38.3. My heart sank, but all I could really to is laugh. It was a strange coping strategy, but for some reason I found it terribly funny that Kal would pop up a fever moments after we took down his room decorations and packed some of his things up. As I was taking those decorations down, I had even had the thought of "Just you watch: Kal will get a fever after we take everything down, so if we have to stay longer, we'll be stuck in a plain, boring room." I thought I had totally jinxed it! The nurse then said his temperature might have to do with him being swaddled at the moment, so she said, "Ok, unwrap him, air out his pits, think cool thoughts, and I'll be back to check his temperature again to make sure it's a legit fever. After she check again, though, he was all good with a temp of 37.4. Even the nurse practitioner on-call said she wouldn't consider that he actually had a fever then, therefore, it won't hold us back from going home on Tuesday. (:
Guess what else happened today?! Kal got permission to leave his room for a little while tonight! He had to wear a cute little mask over his pacifier, but he really enjoyed looking around the hallways of the unit. It was as though he was just soaking it all in because he didn't know a world existed outside of his room anymore. The only reason why I had to cut our little walk short was because my arms are not used to carrying this chunker of a baby so I felt as though my arms were going to give out at any near moment... hahaha! Maybe we'll try for another walk tomorrow! It's all proof that we'll be able to go home soon! (:
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Is he not just the cutest in this little mask (that's still huge on him!)? I'm in love... (: |