Aug 29, 2014

Day +30: (Day 40 total) Our "Noah and the Flood"

Today went pretty well. Sure, Kal decided to start the day at 5 this morning, but I got him back to sleep, eventually. Haha.

The doctors are happy with his progress. No new changes to his medicine or feedings today. Basically, the only new thing today is that they have changed the prospective day of discharge to being Tuesday instead of Monday, due to the holiday, and apparently it would be more difficult to set up home care, etc. on that day. Eh, okay. I guess that just gives us one more day to ensure Kal is doing well with his fungal numbers, platelet levels, and ANC amount. By the way, his ANC went from being 800 yesterday to 1000 today. Hooray!

Taking a snooze: A little swollen-looking this morning, but nothing a little diuretic can't fix (;
Other than that, today has been pretty chill. Kal was pretty happy most of the day, except when he ripped off his dressing for his central line (double lumen broviac line), so I halfway freaked out and grabbed his nurse to replace it. He was also not too keen on his sponge bath today, but he liked getting all lotioned up and snuggled with afterwards.

Earlier, my mom and Kayelee came to visit me, and we watched "Tangled" together in the room. Kal woke up from his nap then, but wasn't too interested in the movie, haha. When they were leaving, Kayelee told me, "And you stay here." Awhh. Then, she wanted to stall the fact that they were leaving and sing a song to me. But, they were already running late to pick up Jonald from work, so I said she could sing to me next time, and she got very upset and started crying. It broke my heart. One day soon, sweetie, we'll be home together and you can sing songs to me all day! Also, my sweet friend dropped off an amazing lunch for me. I swear, delicious food makes a huge difference in my mood. It's seriously medicine for my soul. (;

Well, at least we have a day in mind when we can hopefully leave. Prayers that everything will go smoothly until (and after!) then so we don't have to stay longer here than is needful.

In happy spirits (before bath time, haha)
By the way, Kal has been in the hospital 40 days (10 prep days/transplant day + 30 recovery days after that). Something dawned on me today. That's about as long as it rained when Noah was on the Ark (either an expression meaning a long time, or literal amount of days). Either way, I can't imagine how Noah didn't go crazy during those rainy days. How difficult it must have been to know the world as he knew it was being forever changed. Then, although the storm was over, he still needed to wait until the water dried up. Afterward, Noah was promised blessings from God, and shown a rainbow as a token of that covenant. Similarly, this journey we are on has sometimes been similar to a hectic rainstorm. We were flooded with emotions and trials, yet also flooded with the cleansing love, prayers, and support of our dear family and friends. This is forever changing our "world" as we know it, but for the better. This journey with Kal will not be over once we go home, but the sun, bit by bit, will sure seem to shine a little brighter. The "waters" of health trials will subside over time, as Kal gets stronger, and then we shall see the blessings of this trial- a healthy boy- our "rainbow!" I know this is all in our Heavenly Father's plan and the blessings are coming closer in sight!

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