Aug 26, 2014

Day +27: Is this real life?

Last night... ooohhh last night! It was a-ma-zing! He only had one fever, around 11:30 or so. But, although he was restless during the night and would wake up crying here and there, I didn't even need to rock him back to sleep. He would just settle down after a moment, or just needed his pacifier to drift off into sleep again. I don't know if he was just exhausted from the crazy night before, feeling much better, or what, but I don't even care! I had so much sleep last night, I almost feel (dare I say it) normal! I actually probably woke up more times during the night, for a second, because my body is so used to waking up so much during the night. It almost didn't even seem real that I was actually getting that much sleep. I could hardly believe it. It's like when your newborn sleeps that first long stretch during the night, and you actually sleep worse for the first few nights until you realize you baby is still okay, they're just actually sleeping longer for once. Haha.

Taking a nice, little snooze this morning. He looks so Asian in this picture- I love it!
Kal was a little grumpy this morning, but settled into a nap well. That's a plus, too! After his nap, he needed platelets again. He's been needing them almost every day lately, because fevers burn up the platelets like they're nothing. At around the same time he started platelets, he had a fever again. It was not too high, though, and went down with Tylenol. As much of it was a bummer for him to have another fever again, it was great that it had been 12 hours since his last fever. That's a great sign!

He perked up for a little bit after his fever subsided. (:
The Infectious Disease team of doctors came in today, as per order by his BMT doctors, to make sure there isn't anything extra they're missing, since Kal has had fevers for over a week now. Even though his fevers are not as high and father apart, they just want to be safe and sure he's getting better before they send us home. So, they're ordering a CT for his head tomorrow as well as an echocardiogram. Bacteria can just hide in the sinuses as well as the heart valves sometimes so they want to take extra precautions anyway, despite his blood cultures being clear. 

Well, prayers are always needed. Hopefully no fevers tonight?! (:

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